Monday, April 13, 2009

What exactly is bullying?

As I search the web looking for a concise definition of "bullying", I find that there really isn't a nice, specific definition. Of course, Merriam-Webster defines bullying as 1. to treat abusively, or 2. to affect by means of force or coercion. These definitions are specific, but don't really seem to fully convey the potential of the word. Bullying is what Merriam-Webster defines it to be, as well as all of those subtleties that our own experiences define it to be.

My own experience reminds me that bullying can be physical in nature: pushing, shoving, pinching, subtly walking past another person and "accidentally" bumping into them. Bullying can be social in nature: exclusion, gossip, verbal taunts, or badmouthing another person. A more recent form of bullying has made the press lately: cyber-bullying (I refer to it as "the online beast!") which takes many forms, and is found on many social network sites that kids and teens frequent.
So, my journey today has taken me to another favorite online haunt: Wikipedia. I recommend checking out this thoughtful definition put together by many people, because it seems to best describe the different kinds of environments and situations in which people find themselves subjected to bullying. I also encourage each of you to reach into your own grab-bag of experience with bullying and think about what it means to you.

I hope this week starts out nicely for you all, and remember...

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt

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