Sunday, May 31, 2009

North Carolina senate passes anti-bullying bill!

Anti-bullying bill clears a major hurdle in North Carolina- the bill was passed by the state senate, and is a step in the right direction! The bill would require that any school employee who witnesses bullying or harassment of any kind, or who has information about such incidents, must report to school authorities.

Read more about this proposal here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer Classes

Yes! I'm happy to launch Peak Zone Kids! Please visit the website:

Thanks! And more on bully busting in the next day or two...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bullied kids more likely to become psychotic preteens.

A recent Medscape article relates new research on children who are traumatized by bullying. You can read the press version at this site. Please note that you must sign into Medscape to have access to the article. I will summarize later. Thank you Lynda for this information. Just another reminder that many kids don't "outgrow" the trauma of being bullied!